Saturday, 29 March 2008

I'm not here ;-)

I'm not here actually, I'm studying like crazy. *lol* I have to send a paper about Spanish literature in the 15th century to my tutor before tomorrow night and I still haven't written a word. :-( I need to do a lot of research and my internet connexion is so lousy I just want to cry.... I've been trying for 5 days now to get on to the school's server but no way José. I need to download some texts, read them and make a resume but there's still no luck. I don't think I'll make it on time because if I was all alone I could stand a day without food and a night without sleep but I have to take care of the kids and they are almost bored to death at home. This is getting much harder than I ever thought it would be. But I'm not giving up! NEVER!

So, if you see me around here this weekend, please give me a hug and a friendly kick in my butt because I really HAVE TO READ several hundred pages instead of hanging around the internet...

See you on Monday after I've got a bit of sleep!


Krista said...

I was just reading through "Moms of Grace" and saw a comment u left last year about "the comments section" of our blogs. I so get what you are saying. I left a comment as well. I love the comments and that is what makes our blogging fun. I quit writing for a while because I didnt have much traffic. Cant wait to check out your new blog!

Mayogi said...

Hi Krista!

Welcome to my blog! Nice to see someone from MoG here.

I'm glad you agree with me. I think the comments are an important part of the fun of blogging. otherwise we could all be writing in a personal diary instead, right? I'm on my way over to your blognow. *lol*