Monday, 17 March 2008

I'm back!

OMG! This has been one of the longest months in my life... Ok, I said I was going to reduce the time I spend on line but I had no plans whatsoever to go cold turkey. I just woke up one morning and found out that the internet provider had cut off all the computers in my city area. Nice nice... NOT! Oh well, this is Morocco after all....

It took me 4 weeks, several official complaints, lots of tears and more stress than I would ever have believed to get my connection back. So now I'm finally back and I have sooo much to blog about! I'll take it slow, so I won't get an internet OD or something. *lol*


Amy said...

Welcome back! I thought you'd just taken your Lenten thing to an extreme. ;) I'd be mad if I had no internet, too!

Mayogi said...

Oh yes, sometimes God works in mysterious ways.... At least I didn't have much problems keeping my Lent promise. ;-) But it was hard, much harder than I ever would have thought. One thing I've learned is that I will not promise to stay away from the internet next Lent. *lol*