Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Another day at work

And so I'm back at work... A new term just began and I've had 2 classes so far. I had 8 students today, out of 23 which I had the first week. I don't know why there were so many students missing today, but I guess it's due to several things - most of my students also study at the university and exams are around the corner, the Muslim new year will begin on Thursday or Friday (it depends on the moon) and the library has been closed during Christmas and people think we haven't opened yet. And people drop out. But in January we open up a second chance to get into class so I will hopefully get some new students in my groups the coming weeks. That's good because I get paid according to the number of students and a small group = not very much money.

I felt a bit awkward the first few minutes today because I hadn't had time to prepare the class. Usually I prepare the classes very well, but I didn't have the time to do so today (I'm preparing for exams too) so I kind of had to improvise. But in the end we had a lot of fun and I know my students learned new things. That's really important to me, that my students learn new things in every class and that they are allowed to speak freely in every class. I think conversation is a very important skill when it comes to learning a new language.

I MIGHT work on Thursday, it depends on the new year, if it's a holiday or not. At least I'm free from work Friday - Monday. Guess what I'll do? *lol* S-t-u-d-y ....