Saturday 17 November 2007

Poetry for kids

At my kids' school they invite writers and poets to come and have workshops with the kids at least once a year. Being a Spanish school in Morocco makes it a bit difficult to transmit Spanish culture to the kids so I'm glad at least they have the occasional workshops.

Two poets came this week and worked with the kids in grades 3 - 6. My kids said they had a great time and that poetry is so much fun. I wish I knew how to help them keep that new interest, because I consider poetry to be an important part of a person's education. That's something I think is typical for Spain. You can ask just about anyone on the street and they will know several poems by heart and know the names of several famous writers. I know this is not so in many countries in the world.

Next time I go to Ceuta I will look for books with poetry for kids. Many Spanish writers and poets have done books for kids, just because it's such an important part of our common culture.

Unfortunately I don't read much poetry. I don't have time to. But since my kids seem so interested these days I think I'll take the opportunity and make an effort and start reading some. There are so many Spanish poets I like, like Federico García Lorca, Juan Ramón Jimenez and Rafael Alberti.

Do you read poetry? Or do you write poetry? Do you read novels? Or any other kind of litterature? Do you know the name of any Spanish writers?