Thursday, 10 January 2008

Creating a garden

I'd love to live in a house with a big garden, where I could grow trees, herbs and veggies and have a fairly big lawn where my kids could run around playing. A little pond would be nice too. But the truth is that I live in an apartment and that I don't have a yard where I can grow things. But does that mean that I can't have a garden? Of cause not! I can have a garden, of course I can. It will just be a bit different.

My garden will be green and filled with plants. I will have a table and some chairs, so we can have tea in our garden and watch the sunset. My garden will be my rooftop and my plants will live in pots. I know it can work. All it takes is a little bit of work and a lot of less SHEness. Half way through spring I kind of forget to water my plants and within a day or two it's all burned and dead.:-( I need to remember to water my plants every morning and every night, that way my garden will grow and become just what I've always dreamed about.

It's almost about time to start looking at the seeds. The season starts early here in Morocco, especially where I live, because the winters are not too cold and it rains a lot. The fields are green and lush all year around.

My project for this year is to transform this into a green oasis. Any ideas?