Christmas gifts
We must have been really nice last year because Santa brought us lots of presents on December 24th. In Sweden Christmas is celebrated on Christmas Eve, and in many families include: a Christmas lunch with LOTS of food, the same Disney Christmas show we've all seen at least 10 times (it's been on TV for the past 30 years or more) and then it's time for presents. In my family we let someone slip out of the house, put the bags with the gifts outside the front door, ring the bell and then come back in through the garage, hopefully without the kids noticing. Then my dad takes out the gifts, one by one, and the kids help him giving each gift to its' owner.
I got a camera, rain boots, lots of cardstock (my dear brother knows his sister is a scrapper and really got me the most wonderful designs), money and best of all, a camera. The boys got too many gifts - as always. They got several games, a Mr Bean film, clothes, boots, Lego, remote control cars and I don't know what. *lol* Unfortunately we couldn't bring everything so we had to leave several games behind. That's the worst part about living so far away. We can never bring everything, we always have to leave things behind.
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