Work, work, work....
Tomorrow I'll start up a new group at work. Level 3, the highest level we've had so far at my center. I'm a bit nervous because it's a higher level, with a book I've never used before and a lot more grammar to be explained. At the same time I'm really thrilled, because teaching is so much fun and I know that my students will work hard. They are really eager to learn, so they will push me to the limit. And that's okey, because after all, I'm their bridge to a better knowledge of Spanish.
From this week onwards I'll work 4 days a week. I have one class a day, so actually I'm at work for about 2 hours each time. I would have preferred to work only 3 days and have two classes one of them but my students couldn't come that day. Oh well, I'll have to organize myself better.... Now, how many times have I said that this year? *lol*
My life is really hectic these days and I LOVE IT! Yes, I do. For the most part. There are things I could be without, like the problems with the makeover. Yep, after 3 months we're still living in the middle of a construction site with things everywhere.:-( I wanted to participate in a "get fit" challenge but when and where am I going to work out in a living room crowded with boxes and other stuff that's not supposed to be in a living room!?... And the same goes for the Organization challenge. There's no way I'm going to get a nice living room with so much stuff that don't belong there and that's not clutter. I mean, the kitchen stuff is supposed to be in the kitchen, not in the living room. *grrrrr*
Anyway, that's the way things are and I try to make things work as smoothly as possible. Hopefully next week will be a bit better, IF the delivery guys bring me B:s closet I bought the other day and IF the carpenter does come back on Friday morning to finish my closet. IF they do, I will be able to get rid of a lot of stuff in the living room, B will get his room back, G will get his room back and I can start to put away the summer clothes and take out the winter clothes. It's getting really cold here when you only have summer clothes but there's no way I can get to the warmer clothes right now. :-( Please say a prayer that they won't let me down - again...
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