Monday, 26 November 2007

Praying the rosary

I have to admit that I'm not very good at praying. I was raised in a not so Catholic friendly environment, to say the least. Actually I'd say in an environment where Christians, no matter what church you belonged to, were considered brainwashed and strange. So I guess it's only natural that I have a hard time to make prayers a daily routine, but that's something I really want to change.

I've just downloaded a program I really like - The Virtual Rosary. I have used it before but lost it when my computer crashed, so I know it works. It's a tiny little program that reminds you to pray the rosary and shows you all the prayers and all. You don't even need the rosary beads. You can get it in other languages and with music and images. I did of course download the Spanish version. *lol*


Bill Brown said...

I've never used the Virtual Rosary but I think I'll download it today. The Scriptural Rosary is my favorite way to say this prayer. I have actually posted one on line. I added it to my mortgage site so the url is a bit strange. Here is the link: