Friday 7 September 2007

Me, the menu maker

I'm a disaster when it comes to cooking and planning meals. I love to look in my cook books and pick out meals and do grocery lists and so on, but when it comes to actually cooking I always forget my good intentions and desperately look around my empty kitchen at 5.30 PM wondering what I'll make for dinner. I had a menu planned out and managed to stick to it for a whole month. Wow, that was the best month ever in my kitchen. I've wanted to go back to that ever since, but I've always found zillions of excuses for not making a menu. Well, that is something that's about to change!

Today I sat down for a long, long time (several hours actually) and made a menu for 5 weeks. I even wrote down all the special ingredients for each meal and made a general shopping list with EVERYTHING I'll need for the coming weeks. I feel sooo PROUD of myself.

I've decided I will share my menus with you, but not now. I'll participate in Menu Plan Monday over at I'm an Organizing Junkie. BTW, I LOVE her blog. If you haven't visited it yet, what are you waiting for? *lol* So from now on, I'll post my menus every Monday and hopefully that will help me stick to my menus too.

I don't like meat very much. I used to be a vegetarian for over 10 years. And now, all of a sudden, I couldn't think of any good veggie dishes. Isn't that strange? I've decided to be a good Catholic this fall and not eat any meat at all on Fridays (I know, it's not an obligation to fast on Fridays but I want to do that. I have so much to be grateful for so a little penance won't hurt me). I'd like to know what you fellow Catholics think about not eating meat on Fridays, what do you do? Do you obey the Friday rule or is it business as usual?