Wednesday 3 October 2007

The blue room

Unfortunately the connection is lousy again so I can't post any photos at the moment. I've been trying all day because I wanted to participate in Wordless Wednesday, but I've given up for today.

The painter is working on B:s room right now and the last time I went to check the walls were really BLUE! I told him to use a little more white in the mix next time because the color got too strong. I think he got it just perfect now. I really would like to share with you because it's so fun to get the house painted. I never realized it could be so much fun. Now I want to get my whole house painted. *lol* As soon as I get the kitchen finished I'll call the painter so he can come and do the bedroom. I'm thinking beige... Or very very light brown. I like the autumn colors and that's what I want for the bedroom. Warm, calm colors that invite you to rest, read a book and take it easy.

I'll give it a try tomorrow morning. I hope the connection will be better by then, because this is getting on my nerves.