Saturday 10 November 2007

A day in the park

As I told you earlier, the boys and I spent a few days in Málaga, Spain. We went there on Friday morning and came home on Tuesday evening. We had a great time! I really miss living in Spain. Who knows, we might move back one day, because after all, Spain is my home.

A friend of mine, who lives in Málaga, came to the hotel to pick us up. She took us to a park in another town where my kids and her son could run around and play. Here are some pictures from the park:

Big ducks
Huge duck! They were really big, I've never seen anything like that.

More BIG birds. This is some sort of African ostrich.

a cute rabbit
There are lots of rabbits in the park. They are used to the kids and some of them let the kids pat them and hug them. My son really fell for this one and wanted to take it home. I wish we could....


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your blog! Being a stay at home mom , is no doubt a tough job! I am debating on going to work next year when my 4 year old is in school, but it will still be a alot of work! I have 2 hours a day where my youngest is in prek, they are my errand hours, and when I tan, go out to breakfast and do what I would like. I love being a SAHM but most days are exhausting, espcically when you add in VP of PTA, karate, and Piano lessons! ARGH! Only 3 more weeks till my cruise with BBF to Cozumel, Ochios Rios and Grand Cayman- now thats a mom break!

Hope you have a great weekend! Stop by my blog if you can!


Mayogi said...

Hi Deb! I had a quick look at your blog and think it's really nice. I'm too tired now to read, so I'll come back tomorrow to read some and comment. I love getting comments and I also liks commenting on other blogs, so I'll let you know when I've visited you. :-)